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Pattern Play – Card 1 & 2


Hi all,

I have joined another card class over at hosted by the awesome Kristina Werner and Jennifer McGuire. I particularly loved this class simply because I was lacking creativity when it came to using up pattern paper. I typically reach for a stamp to avoid mixing and matching so this was an awesome reason to put away the stamps and look at other forms of media to play with.

For Day 1 we were given some basic tips in what to look for when creating projects with pattern paper. The main concept I took away was always have 1 large print, 1 medium/small print, and 1 solid/monotone print. We were then given some awesome tips and tricks to layout and were asked to create our rendition of the instructors card.

Here are my 2 takes on the card. I originally created one card (card 1) but didn’t think it was too great. I then created the second card (card 2) and loved the way it turned out. I then showed my husband to see which one he liked – he said card 1 more! It just goes to show everyone has their own taste and what one might dislike, another person will love.

Which one do you like?

Card 1 – Patterned paper from My Minds Eye



Card 2 – Patterned paper from K & Co. and Basic Grey


Feel free to leave your feedback =)

Have a fabulous week!